Long Time, No Sew

How’s everyone?

I’ve been preoccupied with other things…health issues, cleaning out “stuff” from my house, and just plain doing other things.

But I did create a quilt top somewhere in the middle of all of it. It’s a design from Bonnie and Camille. Sunday Stroll–I think that’s the name. I purchased a kit, because who can resist. But then kits like this torture me until they are completed. Why?

  1. They cost real money.
  2. They are easy to get started.
  3. They don’t require a lot of overthinking about matching patterns, colors, etc.
  4. Once you start, it goes fast.

At any rate, this moved right along. And the colors were cheerful and the pattern was uplifting. Sometimes, you just need to work on something happy.

The thing about kits, however, is that you don’t always get to choose what *particular* print you want to use. This kit often stated “from the reds” or “from the greens”. And when I work that way, I never know if I’m going to have enough fabric for the next section. Or will I have cut it too small already in order to complete something down the line.

I hate worrying whether I have enough fabric. It’s a pet peeve. (Which might explain why I have a room full of fabric scraps.)

Anyway, when I got to the last section on this quilt, I found myself short by just one fatquarter. I guess I could have used a color I didn’t particularly like, but who wants a grey flower? Not me. Sadly, plenty of grey was left.

But the beauty of having quilty friends is that I can just pick up the phone and say “Hey, do you have any Bonnie and Camille that is pink with strawberries?” And, of course, suddenly that extra fatquarter is available.

I’ve finished the quilt top now, but I am stalling on doing the quilting. I know, I know, I can just do it and have this project finished. But I just cannot decide how to quilt it. I like to do it myself on my home machine. And once I start, I don’t want to take forever.

I thought about using machine embroidery, but I’m just not feeling it for this quilt.

Sometimes, I just have to wait for the moment to strike, and then I will be inspired and finish it within a few days.

Until then, I have a pinned quilt sandwich folded neatly on my sewing table. Waiting for me to be in the mood. I know, I know, anyone with sense tells us that you should never wait til you “feel” like doing something. Jump in and do it, and the inspiration will come.

But I just have to clean out a bit more in the basement…and do another load of laundry…and bring those extra clothes to charity…and plant those native plants in the garden…and make dinner…and mend my husband’s pants…and paint the front door…and visit my Dad…and clean out…

Well, you know how it is. I’ll get to this project. It’s certainly not going anywhere without me.

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